About the benefits of guitar lessons
Discipline and Education
Learning to play the guitar has its own specific methodology, which means that this process will introduce various interesting algorithms that contribute to the creative development of the potential musician.
Upbringing is a complex process, regardless of who and whom is bringing up: the parent of his child or the teacher of his students. The process of upbringing consists of rewards and punishments, through which the pupil understands good or bad, and then analyzes his act and at the end does the right thing. But not everyone is able to understand what can be done in the upbringing and what not.
When a child does everything right, the number of reprimands decreases, and encouragement increases. This is the way any scientific or practical discipline is comprehended.
It is very important to learn to play a musical instrument under the guidance of a teacher. In this way, the student not only learns new material, but also practices the skills already learned. The teacher closely monitors the success of the student, corrects mistakes, encourages for good work.
If you are learning to play the guitar on your own, you are not disciplined by anyone, only if it is not the guitar itself. Thus, a lot of responsibility falls on you: you have to discover mistakes on your own, analyze and correct them. With time mistakes will become fewer and fewer, you will correct them and pay attention to the way you play. Your attitude toward the lessons themselves will change significantly; you will want to learn to play better. This way you will become a professional without even noticing it.
Learn to play the guitar yourself will not work only if you do not want to do this. For example, parents force their child to take guitar lessons. In this case, a child will do everything grudgingly, he will have no motivation, and therefore the result will be almost imperceptible.
It is important to remember that in order to study music you need a desire on the part of the student and it must be sincere.
Thanks to the guitar, as well as on other musical instrument, a person becomes more educated and intelligent. It's enough to remember the history of the great musicians: all of them were well-mannered people, they adhered to the laws of ethics and morality. No doubt their passion for music influenced this.
Playing the guitar to improve health indicators It has long been proved by leading experts that playing the guitar has a beneficial effect on the health of the whole body. Scientists have found out that while playing the guitar and listening to it, not only the perception organs are involved, but the whole organism as well.
This conclusion was made by the chief doctor of Kyiv polyclinic Bodaretsky. In his report he told that the music can penetrate into the body and it does not only through the ears and hearing, but also through the skin of the body, because the skin contains special vibration receptors.
The sound spreads and hits a certain frequency, which corresponds to the characteristics of the organ and has a certain stimulating effect on it. The guitar emits a huge amount of vibrations and this is felt by every inch of the body.
Thanks to this positive effect, painful sensations are reduced or completely disappear when they are present. Special works have been issued proving that health is also affected by the height of the notes. For example, take the first note "C." It can have a positive effect on the stomach and pancreas. And the note "Mi" - for vision and hearing.
Surely, many have felt the positive effects of music, it can help you relax at the end of the day or wake up in the morning. In addition, music helps to brighten up any trip, gives energy during a workout at the gym, and helps to clean up the whole apartment. Music helps improve the mood, and without it, life would be very gray and boring.
But it's not just the music itself and passive listening that can have a charitable effect on a person's physiological and mental state. The guitarist himself also succumbs to the positive influence of the instrument. After all, it is always a great pleasure to play a learned piece to perfection after working long and hard on it. Such a sense of accomplishment has a therapeutic effect. This is another argument worth listening to if you still haven't decided whether you want to master the instrument.
The only music that can have a negative effect on one's general well-being and on the condition of the body as a whole is the melody of the alarm clock that plays early in the morning.
Fine motor skills in your hands and fingers
It's very important not just to play the guitar as you like, but to produce the sound cleanly and loudly, without any "wheezing" and delays. Otherwise, playing the guitar will not give any pleasure to either the guitarist or the listener.
But playing the guitar is much more difficult than on keyboard musical instruments, that's why it is considered to be difficult to master playing the guitar. You need to be able to find the right angle when you place your fingers on the fingerboard and also calculate the force with which the string will be pressed to the fingerboard. Otherwise the sound will be horrible and spoil any piece, even the most beautiful one.
The angle is chosen by the guitarist. A quality hand positioning comes only with experience of persistent practice and thanks to the help and advice of a teacher. This develops fine motor skills of the hands. Playing the guitar for children can be even more useful and productive than sculpting and working with small parts.
Among musicians there are often people who are equally good with both hands. This just shows that both hemispheres of the brain develop evenly when playing the guitar.
Developing intelligence and logic
In order to learn to play the guitar well, you need to be able to read from the sheet various harmonies, intervals, chord sequences and whole pieces. This way you can trace the structure of not only the piece, but also the sounds in it.
This helps to use the skills acquired in the development of logical thinking, a person learns to improvise and come up with different melodies by comparing different rhythmic patterns, to connect them with a certain logic that is present in each piece. The left hemisphere and its development is responsible for the sense of rhythm, while the right hemisphere helps the musician better hear the timbral changes of the melody. This fact also proves that playing the guitar contributes to the development of both right and left hemispheres, and the musician is able to apply them simultaneously and perceives music and notes with both hemispheres at once.
Influence of guitar playing on self-esteem
Not every person is able to learn to play the guitar virtuosely, which means that any guitarist hears compliments in his address. This is what motivates a large number of young people and teenage boys to sign up for guitar lessons. After all, as already mentioned, played a piece without errors positively affects the self-esteem of the child, as well as on the health in general. A child understands that he is able to achieve certain heights, it motivates him to further action. When a child achieves a result, he or she wants to demonstrate it to everyone. The child tries to take part in competitions and concert programs.
Adequate or slightly raised self-esteem can have a positive effect on the teenager, on his mood and psyche. It is very important for the student to achieve these successes independently, and not to receive glory thanks to the help of third parties. It is important to note that third parties do not include a tutor or guitar teacher. The teacher teaches, not plays for the child.
As soon as the child's successes become visible to him and his peers, the child begins to feel confident in himself and his abilities.
The benefit of playing the guitar as an educational measure Of course, not always the child himself wants to play a given musical instrument. One director of a music school said that even if a child does not make any progress and it will not grow out of him a great guitarist and musician, while attending classes on the guitar a child does a good job for himself.
Of course, on the formation of personality affects not only the lessons themselves, but also the independent preparation for the class, memorizing information and so on. It is the attendance of music lessons keep a large number of children from committing bad acts. Hobby, which can grow into a professional hobby, makes a child more self-confident, conscious, disciplined, teaches him aesthetic and moral qualities.
Improving psychological and emotional development As stated by many experts and psychologists, music - the cure for all diseases and solutions to all problems. At the same time this medicine is the safest and most effective.
It is worth noting that students are incredibly loaded, because the number of lessons can reach 7-8, and so every day. And what to say about adults who are experiencing stress for many years.
Music acts as an antidepressant that has no contraindications. Psychologists, to relax, recommend listening to the classics: Mozart, Beethoven. Music helps to get rid of stress.
The development of personality and sense of taste Playing any musical instrument, contact with the world of music fosters a person's sense of taste and contributes to the development of moral culture.